Mother’s Day

Mother's Day at the river

Mother’s Day…homemade cards from my kids and hubby, dark chocolate, a picnic at the park, skipping rocks in the river, and extra kisses…I love it. Mother’s Day was such a great invention. One day, set aside to recognize Mom. Yes even on Mother’s Day, Jackson still poops in his pants and wakes up too early, and Samuel is right now shrieking from his high chair, “OWWW DONE! OWWWW DONE!” (All done), demanding Mommy. But Mother’s Day, for me, is a day to count these things as blessings…I have four little ones who need me, want me, and love me. And frankly I need them, want them, and love them more every day. I am becoming…a mother. Continue reading “Mother’s Day”

Gluten Free Casein Free: Is it worth it?

This morning Jackson was set on ingesting dairy and gluten. I caught him taking a bite out one of yesterday’s gluten/dairy-filled waffle he had fished out of the trash can. I gave his mouth a quick finger sweep to try to be rid him of the forbidden food and avoid any more behavioral backlash than already probable seeing as he already chowed down some of his blue playdough (gluten) earlier this morning.

Some days this GFCF (Gluten Free Casein Free) diet seems impossible. The carefully prepared alternative dishes are either left on the table untouched or completely undone by Jackson’s sneaky methods of obtaining the forbidden foods. Continue reading “Gluten Free Casein Free: Is it worth it?”

What is the Gluten Free Casein Free (GFCF) Diet?

Gluten Free Casein Free birthday cupcakes

So, we ate dinner with some new friends last night and the big question came up. Any food allergies? I quickly explained the special diet Jackson is on: Gluten Free Casein Free as basically “No wheat, No dairy, and other things…but we’ll bring something he can eat.” It’s sometimes easier that way, come prepared with something I know is safe. She pressed me for what he does eat, and I gave her the typical “Rice, meat, and tortilla chips” as pretty safe fare. She so graciously bent her dinner plans to accommodate, and upon arrival assured me that nothing in her lovely home was sacred. For the first time in a while, I didn’t have to cook two dinners, AND I actually enjoyed a rare, minimally interrupted conversation. Thanks, Mickey and Jose! Continue reading “What is the Gluten Free Casein Free (GFCF) Diet?”

The Big Blood Draw

Bringing any 4-year old into the lab for a blood draw is enough to cause a hike in your blood pressure. Jackson is no exception. Hearing the lab technician call for two co-workers “to help hold him down” gave me heart palpitations. I felt my chest tighten as I attempted to calm my quivering nerves and place a cheery smile on my face before I pulled Jackson onto my lap, wrapping my arms and legs around him. Continue reading “The Big Blood Draw”