After a month of highs, tons of communication, responsiveness, and making verbal requests, once again words are gone. This pattern is typical, for two weeks, we’re thrilled to hear new words fall from his lips, then for the next two weeks, we’ll wonder where they went. Continue reading “When autism steals words away”
Easter with Nemo (Autism & OCD)
It’s 11:30 am, and Jackson and I have ditched church. On Easter. Sara and the crew probably suspect we are roaming the back halls. We tried that. But Jackson was out of control. So now we’re watching a flock of birds fly over the east Australian current, carrying rumors of a desperate clownfish who “will stop at nothing to find his son.” (Pretty soon they’ll be inside the whale. What a great scene!) Continue reading “Easter with Nemo (Autism & OCD)”
Running for Autism

Jackson slept for eleven hours straight! I cannot express to you how amazing that is. Insomnia is a common symptom of autism. It could be worse (he just sings and hums and scratches my arm for hours) but we are almost always tired. So we feel good this morning!