Rat, tat, tat, tat, chk, chk, chk, chk, chk, chk, chk, chk…Ahhh…all else in the house is quiet, but my pounding head is still not at peace since Jackson is not allowed to nap in order to protect the sanctity of nighttime sleep. Two packaged strips of fruit leather are madly flailing against the edge of the coffee table. Jackson’s arms are a blur. With incredible precision and endurance, he whips those fruit strips like his life depends on it. And I am faced with a decision: do I allow him to be lost in this repetitive movement, known in the autism community as flapping or stimming (Self Stimulatory Behavior)? Continue reading “Hidden Potential”
Happy contradiction
So…today marks the one-year anniversary of Jackson’s diagnosis with autism, our moving to Oregon, and a year of climbing uphill. Today I feel like I am popping up over the top of this mountainous peak, and catching a fresh, invigorating breeze. I turn back to look at how far we’ve come, and I am thrilled, amazed, and thankful. I never thought Jackson would have come so far. I hoped and prayed for it, but I didn’t expect to see what we’re seeing now. Continue reading “Happy contradiction”
What is the Gluten Free Casein Free (GFCF) Diet?

So, we ate dinner with some new friends last night and the big question came up. Any food allergies? I quickly explained the special diet Jackson is on: Gluten Free Casein Free as basically “No wheat, No dairy, and other things…but we’ll bring something he can eat.” It’s sometimes easier that way, come prepared with something I know is safe. She pressed me for what he does eat, and I gave her the typical “Rice, meat, and tortilla chips” as pretty safe fare. She so graciously bent her dinner plans to accommodate, and upon arrival assured me that nothing in her lovely home was sacred. For the first time in a while, I didn’t have to cook two dinners, AND I actually enjoyed a rare, minimally interrupted conversation. Thanks, Mickey and Jose! Continue reading “What is the Gluten Free Casein Free (GFCF) Diet?”
Can Immunizations Cause Autism?

“Oh no!!” “Is he going to be okay?” Screams reached my ears as I quickly pulled Jackson off the potty Thursday. Blood was flowing down our 18 month old’s face. His eyes were puffy little slits he was crying so hard. Samuel had fallen head first on the rocky driveway, and head wounds are scary: so much blood. Pressure applied, bleeding stopped, finally we could clean him up a little and really see how severe the blow had been: a dime-sized gouge, but deep. A quick call to the pediatrician, and we were on our way to the doctor’s office. Continue reading “Can Immunizations Cause Autism?”
Easter with Nemo (Autism & OCD)
It’s 11:30 am, and Jackson and I have ditched church. On Easter. Sara and the crew probably suspect we are roaming the back halls. We tried that. But Jackson was out of control. So now we’re watching a flock of birds fly over the east Australian current, carrying rumors of a desperate clownfish who “will stop at nothing to find his son.” (Pretty soon they’ll be inside the whale. What a great scene!) Continue reading “Easter with Nemo (Autism & OCD)”