“Onomatopoeia! Onomatopoeia” Sam sing-songs excitedly, and Jackson giggles hysterically while holding Sam’s mouth close to his ear so he can take in every syllable of his current favorite word. The 7-year-old, younger brother briefly runs into the kitchen to earnestly ask, “Mom, do you think if I keep saying the things Jack likes to hear, he’ll know that I want to take care of him, and he’ll always want to stay close to me?” Continue reading ““Onomatopoeia”: The Sounds of Thankfulness”
After the long hiatus…
What has happened? It’s been almost 2 years since I last posted anything about our journey…really? Two? Yep. I had to double check. Since then, surprise baby number 5 has become a rampaging toddler and mess-maker extraordinaire, breaking all of his siblings’ records for getting into things.
Along with managing my 5 little monkeys, I have stepped into the children’s ministry director position at our church, sent my beautiful girls to public school, and as of December have left the open fields surrounding our small rental to buy our first home less than a mile away and enjoy a fenced-in backyard in town. Jackson loves it and made the adjustment amazingly and gleefully. But he misses his favorite “tall trees” as well as our dear friends who live there. We follow the tree tops and visit when we can. Continue reading “After the long hiatus…”
Waiting 6 months for a kiss

In the last week Jack has used fewer words again than he has in a long time. The other night, I was feeling so discouraged by his progress, but I had another shift… Jason, desperate to connect with his son, had invented a new game that was apparently awarding enough to evoke a response from Jack.
“Give me five, Jack.” Pause…smack. I look up to see my husband, with Jack in his arms, jumping around in circles singing, “I got a five, I got a five. Whoo, whoo, whoo, WHOO!” He proceeded to offer this same reward as Jack gave each of his sisters a five, a hug, and even a kiss (we’ve waited 6 months for a kiss before).
Saturday morning GFCF waffles
We’re up at 6 am on this fine, Saturday morning! Jack has rejected my offer of a GFCF nut and fruit protein bar, so I guess it’s almost time to get off the computer and make our traditional Saturday morning fare: waffles.
Waffles have become an almost every day staple. I make a big batch and throw them in the freezer so I can pop them in the toaster and have a super quick, easy breakfast or snack for Jackson.
I have played with this recipe a ton using all different combinations of flours including nut, ground seeds, rice, corn, potato, amaranth, in addition to the ones listed below. I’ve tried all different kinds of milk and eggs substitutes too including homemade almond milk, ground flax seed. I usually wait a bit before throwing it on the waffle griddle and adjust the wet ingredients as needed since some of the flours absorb more liquid than others. Waffles are great for people wanting to try alternating flours to avoid developing food sensitivities.
These are great for hiding some of the fruit and veggies Jackson won’t eat by themselves like squash, sweet potato, fruit puree or sauce, and pumpkin. I think they improve the taste and texture too!
GFCF Waffles
1 c. Garfava bean flour
1/4 c. corn starch or potato starch
1/4 c. rice or tapioca flour
1/4 c. Quinoa flour
1/4 c. ground flax seed
1 TBS sugar or 1/2 c. fruit to sweeten
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
2 eggs, beaten
1/4 c. canola oil
1 c. almond, soy, or rice milk
1/2 c. pumpkin puree, apple sauce, or one banana
Pour batter into waffle iron or on griddle as pancakes! Cook to desired crispness! Enjoy!
I’ve always wanted to be a science researcher, so my kitchen has become my lab. Some experiments turn out, and some don’t go over so well…but my waffle iron has become one of my most valuable pieces of lab equipment! Soooo…happy experimenting! Please post a comment if you come up with a good combination!
By the way, we’ve just launched another website, AutismInterventions.org, to demonstrate to other parents what we’re doing with Jackson. It will be less bloggy and more broad, aimed at giving parents of autistic kids practical ideas to help them communicate. We’re working with the experts at Jackson’s school to put together an Early Intervention eBook to sell on that site as well. All in all, we’re excited. So check out the site and sign up for the newsletter if you get a chance. Thanks!
Running for autism

I started training for the April 18th, Bridgeway House 2010 Run for Autism on April fools day. Was I a fool for attempting? I survived the 5K and kept up an easy jog while pushing a stroller (with some help with two of Jackson’s biggest fans, and my encouraging friends, Jaymie and Nakita). Jaymie’s words, “Pace yourself. I’d rather finish well than not at all” kept me steady until the end. It was not pretty: the red face, the huffing and puffing, Jackson losing a shoe somewhere before the midway mark, his annoyance at wearing only one shoe finally reaching a fevered pitch before I could hear it above my labored breathing, more huffing and puffing…. Continue reading “Running for autism”