Today Jackson’s teacher will tell us whether Jackson will be moved to the advanced 5-day morning class or stay in the 4-day afternoon class for his final year at his amazing school.
“I’m on the fence,” the director and head teacher tells me bluntly. “Jackson and another student are really in about the same place, and I only have room for one more in the morning. Do you have a strong preference?”
Well of course I think he’d benefit from the extra day, and everything in me wants to see him ready for the advanced class, but
I just don’t know…is he ready? He would be the youngest developmentally. Can he hang in there with the others? Will it be the best? Or would the extra one-to-one staffing in the afternoon be what our son needs to press forward through the many mini-regressions in language and routines? My final answer? I know his teacher will make the best decision, and I know Jackson will benefit from either class…I guess we’ll wait and see and trust. I breathe a deep peaceful sigh and wait for the phone to ring…