Jackson slept for eleven hours straight! I cannot express to you how amazing that is. Insomnia is a common symptom of autism. It could be worse (he just sings and hums and scratches my arm for hours) but we are almost always tired. So we feel good this morning!
Autism Run in Eugene, OR
Anyway, it’s April, and that means Autism Awareness Month (I didn’t know it existed until two weeks ago… so many things to be aware of!) Anyway, we just caught wind of Eugene, Oregon’s “Run For Autism,” a fund raiser hosted by The Bridgeway House on Sunday, April 18th. There’s an 8K Run and a 5K Walk.
It starts at 9 o’clock, which is the precise hour of my final Sunday School class at church. DOH! (Or should I say, “Phew!”) So Sara is asking whether it’s realistic for her to get into shape that quickly. I say absolutely. She is the very white FloJo, after all.